The Latin root of the word “advocate” (“advocatus”) means “defender”, the one that the litigant calls before the judge to speak in his favour. We always bear in mind that origin, which for us is much more than the etymological source of the word that entitles our profession… it is the cornerstone of our activity.
Address: Rua Marquês de Pombal, n.º 77 – 1.º Dt.º – 2735-316 Agualva-Cacém
Mob. 929 044 659 | 967 564 461 – Tel. +351 215 922 858 – Fax. +351 215 922 858
Instagram: liberumadvogados
Facebook: Liberum Advogados
Established in 2013, LIBERUM-ADVOGADOS is a law firm made of Portuguese lawyers with experience in the most relevant law fields whose work is focused on finding integrated solutions for the most varied problems, disputes and issues.
With particular focus on legal areas such as Civil Litigation, Employment & Labour Law, Criminal Law and Insolvency Law, the firm offers a wide range of legal services, as well as a permanent service on which the client is its primary concern.
Our expertise, knowledge and broad legal vision combined with a dynamic team make our firm capable of handling the most complex legal issues
We are ready to meet the expectations of the most demanding customers.
• Independence – technical autonomy and expertise in the search for the most lawful solutions
• Innovation – online legal counselling and strong presence in all social media formats
• Proximity – permanent service for when you need it most
• Swiftness – quick response to customer requests
• ⦁ Trust – transparency regarding service conditions
(Contracts; Family, Inheritance & Succession Law; Residential and Commercial Leasing; Credit collection)
(Defendants’ representation; Witnesses and Victims’ representation; Complaints and Accusations; Compensation Claims)
(Employment Contracts, Disciplinary procedures; Dismissals; Labour Litigation)
(Full support to commercial companies and family businesses)
The advent of the financial crisis and its disastrous consequences on the economy and employment, and the consequent deterioration in the financial situation of Portuguese families and companies, definitely brought the word “insolvency” into the daily lexicon of Portuguese people. But what does it mean to be insolvent? Being insolvent or bankrupt means not having the necessary liquidity to meet overdue obligations (or being on the verge of not being able to do so). In this case, whether it is person or a company, the debtor is obliged to file for insolvency.
the question that certainly comes to mind of creditors when they get the information that their debtor filed for insolvency: “Is it possible to recover the amount in debt? How?”
The answer is yes, it is possible, through specific legal mechanisms, which allow creditors to enforce their respective interests within the scope of insolvency proceedings.
“I’m bankrupt. What now!?” First of all, you should consult a lawyer immediately. In fact, the insolvency procedure is a judicial process, in which only lawyers can intervene, in addition to the fact that legal advice carried out by any entities other than lawyers is considered crime.
DEBTOR: Individual Person
A bankrupt person has basically two alternatives:
Insolvency is a comprehensive procedure, which encompasses not only the entirety of the debtor’s assets, but also all of its creditors.
With the approval of the payment plan, the insolvent debtor is allowed to pay all of his overdue debts in instalments.
If it is not possible to draw up a payment plan or if it is not approved within the scope of the insolvency proceedings, the insolvent debtor has the possibility, under certain conditions required by law, to benefit from the exoneration of the remaining liabilities, also known as in slang for ‘fresh start’, ‘debt relief’ or ‘debt forgiveness’.
DEBTOR: Companies
If it is economically viable, the insolvency procedure will then aim to settle its liabilities by presenting a payment plan, as well as revitalizing the business through an insolvency plan, also known as a recovery plan.
If it is not possible to draw up a recovery plan, the insolvency procedure will aim to satisfy creditors’ interests by selling the company’s assets.
Comprehensive legal advice on immigration, nationality, residence and family reunification.
Full assistance whether you want to study, live or invest in Portugal.
(available in English, Spanish and French)
(Signature certification; certification of copies and translations; document authentications; etc.)
The years don’t prepare us for any first time. The first day at Law School, the first job interview, the first day at Liberum Advogados.
I couldn’t have chosen a better place to take my first steps as a lawyer, with a team that didn’t spare me from difficult tasks, that was concerned with constant feedback and, above all, that made me feel part of it.
For my first pleading, for my first contact with clients, for my first trip to Court, thank you to all lawyers who make Liberum a special place.
Raquel Castro Cunha, 2022
“Commitment and Excellence at your service”
⦁ Graduated in Law at the Law School of Universidade Católica Portuguesa
⦁ Masters in Law & Business with Magna Cum Laude distinction by Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Lisboa)
⦁ Languages: Portuguese; English; Spanish; French; Chinese
⦁ Guest speaker on subjects such as Insolvency, Cybercrime, Professional Deontology, among others, in lectures at Universidade Lusófona and Universidade de Lisboa
⦁ Academic awards and recognition:
⦁ 2 year scholarship awarded by the Law School of Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Lisboa)
⦁ Eça de Queiroz Prize 2003 awarded by Rotary Clube Lisboa
⦁ Graduated in Law at the Law School of Universidade Católica Portuguesa
⦁ Masters in Forensic and Legal Sciences at the Law School of Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Lisboa)
⦁ Postgraduate Degree in Criminal Investigation and Evidentiary Law at the Law School of Universidade de Lisboa
⦁ Postgraduate Degree in Legal Sciences at the Law School of Universidade Católica (Lisboa)
⦁ Alumni member of the Law Shcool of Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Lisboa)
⦁ Guest speaker on academic lectures at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, at the Universidade Clássica de Lisboa and in corporate sphere at Siemens, S.A., Construções Pragosa, S.A., Let´s Talk Group, Lda., Novotel, S.A. among others.
⦁ Languages: Portuguese; English; Spanish; French; Chinese
⦁ Work published by Wolters Kluwer Portugal:
⦁ “Problemas Organizativos e Processuais dos Julgados de Paz em Portugal” (2010)
⦁ “A Desmaterialização dos Títulos Executivos” (2009)
⦁ Member of the Portuguese Bar Association
⦁ Graduated in Law at the Metropolitan University of Amazon (Brazil)
⦁ Master’s student in Law and Legal Science at the Law School of the
Universidade de Lisboa
⦁ Postgraduate in Public Law (Brazil)
⦁ Postgraduate in Labor and Social Security Law (Brazil)
⦁ Languages: Portuguese
⦁ Member of the Portuguese and Brazilian Bar Associations.
⦁ Law Degree from the Faculty of Law of the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies
⦁ Master’s Degree in Law and Legal Science from the Faculty of Law of the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies
⦁ Postgraduate in Sports Law
⦁ Postgraduate in Sports Management
⦁ Professor Criminal Procedural Law – INETE
⦁ Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English.
⦁ Member of the Portuguese Bar Association
⦁ Graduated in Law at Universidade de Lisboa
⦁ Languages: Portuguese; English
⦁ Member of the Portuguese Bar Association
Law degree from the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University – Lisbon School;
Postgraduate Specialization in Forensic Legal Sciences at the Portuguese Catholic University – Lisbon School;
Postgraduate degree in Corporate Law and Publicly Traded Companies from the Portuguese Catholic University – Lisbon School;
Postgraduate degree in Sports Law from the Autonomous University of Lisbon;
Postgraduate degree in Adapted Physical Activity and Sport at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria;
Postgraduate degree in Labor and Social Security Law at the Portuguese Catholic University – Porto School (to be attended);
Languages: Portuguese; English; German; Spanish
Admitted to the Portuguese Bar Association;
Member of the Portuguese Sports Law Association;
Vice-Chairman of the Board of the General Assembly of the Portuguese Association for the Defense of Supporters;
Founding member of Instituto + Liberdade